On our trip to Chobe National Park in Botswana a few years ago, we were floating down a river when we approached a large male elephant who was on the nearby shore. The elephant was very upset with us as we drifted closer and walked aggressively to the water's edge to check us out and challenge us. I've spent the past year painting this elephant and the result is Chobe Checker.
To provide a better idea of the process of creating this painting, I've put together a slideshow from the 12 months it took to complete it. Go to this web address to view it - http://slide.ly/view/084d6bb1d6307875572f912f219f379d - (Highlight the entire address, right click it on it, and then click Open the link.)
Turn on the sound on your computer to hear the accompanying music and hit the full screen button in the lower right corner to best experience it. Let me know if you like it and whether I should create slideshows like this for my other paintings. Enjoy!